Friday, June 13, 2008

Chocolate Snob

Ian loves chocolate. His favorite chocolate seems to be Lindt 70%. He is such a connoisseur that when I gave him Ghiradelli 60%, he noticed and was not happy. Not so unhappy that he didn't eat the Ghiradelli, but he made sure he got some Lindt first. Today, I tried to give him Nestle chocolate chips while I ate a Scharffen Berger dark chocolate bar. He got absolutely indignant and set the bowl of chocolate chips on the table and said,"Dat. Want dat!" pointing to my chocolate bar. You might think he just wants what I have, but when we go to the cabinet, he picks the Lindt everytime.

1 comment:

Connie said...

I took Honor through a nice US grocery store once when she was about 3yo. Old enough to be conscious of being surrounded by chocolates when we went through the, for some reason, very crowded candy aisle. I swear, she stopped, looked around, and in a loud, and absolutely breathless and half-swooning starlet voice, said "Oh! Chocolate! I just loooove chocolate!" Everyone got quiet. Looked at her as she stood staring about in complete awe - at the chocolate, completely unaware of anything else - and they all cracked up. She had people with tears coming down, and even snorting. Ladies couldn't even comment, they just hugged me and patted her. Honor never noticed anything but all the chocolate.

Brian could care less. Kids!