Saturday, September 20, 2008

Speaking of Pain....

I've made a list, a list of pan and dread. Things I need to do that I dread doing like trying to fix my computer. I dread it because I don't know how to do it, where to take it and probably won't be able to communicate with the people when I am trying to get it fixed. Things that pain me to do because I shouldn't have to do them, like contacting the board of elections about my missing ballot.

Curt did submit our moving claim, but it has not been resolved. The indoor composter had a piece break off so we probably need to clean it out and send it back to be fixed while it is still under warranty. I need to submit the claim to the insurance company for going to the Korean doctor. I don't know how to do it or how much they will pay for it. I need to learn how to use my flash on my camera before Ian's birthday party on Saturday. I need to start packing. I need to take the stroller apart and wash it. We opened a bank account in Ohio so we could get something notorized and the notary guy from Kinkos was out and we had to get it done. We put $50 in the account. We just got a notice that they have been charging a $10, inactive account fee for 3 months. We got the account closed but we have to call someone else to try to get the charges reversed. Pain. Torture. Money down the toilet. Living overseas costs so much money to deal with things that would be much easier in the States.

So, I've made a list and I am trying to get a few things off every day.


Sarah said...

Heh hehe, I also have a list like that. I wrote everything down one night when I was having trouble sleeping. Still have yet to start crossing things off. Sounds like a Monday job.

Mama Seoul said...

Next, I am washing the stroller cover and baby carrier. The stroller is filthy! The baby carrier just needs to be cleaned so I can pack it to take home.

Connie said...

Good thing about having a 'pain' list is that it gives me motivation to do the 'annoying' list things. Read pain list, see 'ironing' - oh no! not that... get out annoying list, ah... bills, degunk shredder, clean cat box... much better!

I know what you are saying though. Some things - things that should be easy - just aren't when you are overseas. Like getting a fax. What the heck? Who wants faxes nowadays?!? Nobody. Except. Sometimes someone does. And it is a pain. Some things just don't work. Pain.