The last time I was in Hawaii, I was about 6 months pregnant with Ian. We took some great pictures, but they were lost in a tragic computer incident. It would have been nice to compare the shots with those from this trip!
Ian is still afraid of sand. This fear emerged in Jamaica last December and recurred in April during his modeling shoot. I thought he might be over it, but no way! He hates sand. In order to help him work through this and keep our vacation from being lame, I bought some sand toys. They worked. Sort of. He will now sit in the sand, cover himself in sand and even eat sand, but he still won't walk in sand, even with sandals on. Though, he did walk on sand when a pretty lady held his hands.
Most kids are afraid of the water. Not Ian. He loves the waves. He loves to jump off the side of the pool and go under water. He will go underwater in the ocean. He feels more comfortable when we are deep enough that his feet don't touch the sand,"I go out there,"he says.
There is a big pier that big kids were jumping off. Ian looked at it and said,"I go dere on the wall. I dump (jump)".
What a brave boy! Looks like you guys are having fun. Has that young man had a growth spurt?? For some reason, Ian looks taller and less 'baby-round' in these photos! Maybe it's just the photos? Hope you continue to enjoy your vacation :-)
He seems bigger all the time!
I read about your news on Connie's blog where you left a comment. COngrats!
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