Saturday, April 19, 2008

Using Reusable Grocery Bags is a Multi-Step Process

1. Buy the bags.
2. Remember to bring them in the car with you.
3. Remember to bring them into the store with you.
4. Remember to give them to the baggers.

Step 1 is easy. I got hung up at step 2 multiple times. Today, I was determined to use them so I successfully put them in the car. When we got to the check out line, I realized I left them in the car so I ran out to get them. At the check out line as I was about to hand them to the baggers, the check out lady asked for my id and rations cards. I got distracted and the bags remained on my arm until Curt noticed almost at the end of the bagging.

Oh well, I am getting closer. We are going out in the car again later today, so I will put the bags back in the car for next time.


Connie said...

I put my canvas bags on the door handle - because you have to use the door to escape the apartment! - even as far in advance as the night before shopping. Is Ian big enough to 'be in charge of' the bags? You may have a million things on your mind, but kids can be really focused (sometimes!). I use mine if I forget my list too - I'll put each in charge of specific items. We may forget everything else, but we'll usually get those important things.
I love the bio shop website! They may not have a clothes selection for older kids, but I may find something nice for a girlfriend's birthday. Very cool! Thanks! :-)

Mama Seoul said...

I don't know if he is old enough to remember, but it is worth a try. I did remember to put them back in the car, so that is good. Step 2 achieved for the next time!