Monday, October 20, 2008

Sweet Innocence

Today, Ian took some legos with him as we took the dog outside. He dropped them and when he picked them up and re-formed them, they were in the shape of a gun. He didn't realize it, though. He doesn't shoot things. I have to comment on this because I know the day is near where everything will be a gun. Little boys tend to do this as soon as they discover the concept. It is just nice that we made it until he is over 2 without guns.

Other examples:

1. He sleeps with a baby doll. He doesn't know that "dolls are for girls".

2. He chose a purple balloon with theatre masks on it at the Yongsan Fall Fest. He doesn't know that "pink and purple are for girls".

3. He went to the doctor today to get his Flu Mist. He isn't afraid of the doctor.

4. He only knows Signing Time, Sesame Street, Barack Obama and John McCain from television (the last two, mostly like from the Daily Show/Colbert Report). People ask him about Dora the Explorer, Bob the Builder, and the Wiggles and he just stares blankly. He doesn't know any of the Disney movies and has never watched a movie. Again, I know this is coming to an end soon. However, I appreciate the fact that I can dress him in my style, with almost no licenced character clothing, bedding or paraphernalia. He has a pair of Elmo overalls and a Barack Obama t-shirt. He has Elmo pjs but he outgrew them.

5. He doesn't feel excluded or ostracized or inferior in any way to any kids. I know that, too, will end shortly. Three and four year olds are mean! Today at the playground an older boy yelled at him and he yelled back louder. The boy went crying to his mother, but later pushed Ian off the steering wheel on the play structure. I didn't see it but Ian was crying and the kid had a maniacal look in his eye. Still, he got over it very quickly and was re-directed. He was upset but didn't take it personally. Sweet innocence.


Melissa Leigh Ballowe, Esq. said...

This is so precious! Aww Ian!


Connie said...

Such a sweet age! :-)

We let our kids be who they want to be. Always have. As they've grown, I explain a bit more. I tell my daughter that some kids may ask her why she is wearing a 'boy shirt' but she should just tell the person that she 'likes dragons and that her big brother gave it to her', or, I have talked with my son about his long hair... some people think boys should have short hair. Brian doesn't need me telling him anything though. "I know mom, I don't care. It's my hair."

They watch a ton of videos, but not TV. Currently they are both very much into Superheros - esp. Teen Titans. They aren't learning to be violent, they know it is 'just a show'. But they enjoy the stories with the classic 'good guy, bad guy' plots. Nothing bad about learning right and wrong from comics. Funny as heck to see Honor running around in cape and hood pretending to be Raven with 4 or 5 baby dolls representing the rest of the team... I like things that stimulate their imagination.

We deal with scary things (like shots) by being honest and truthful about it - you might get a shot today, this one might sting, etc. We talk about ornery peers and other social troubles. Sure, kids have to learn to sort things out - but there's no reason they cannot do so with help.

The innocence of your 'baby' might fade, but your closeness and attachment parenting style is sure to keep him sweet and self-confident!

Mama Seoul said...

I sure hope so!