I haven't changed a poopy diaper since I started part-time Elimination Communication with Eva. Doing it part-time really takes the pressure/stress out of it. I've been catching pee by putting her on the potty as soon as she wakes up from night or naps, if she is fussy, and just periodically throughout the day. She seems to understand what she is supposed to do now and she pees pretty quickly when I put her on. I think if I put her on when I have to go, I can increase the # of pee catches without much effort. I tried to do it when we were out by holding her over the toilet, but that didn't work very well. I set her on the edge, but I don't her bottom on a public toilet seat so I think we will stick to doing it at home for now and maybe get a travel potty for the car later.
Boy! I sure was wrong about EC. With the right attitude anyone can do it part-time. I need to do more reading and research, to refine our process, but with very little reading and research, we already have success.
Wow, that's amazing!
And she looks sooo cute sitting up on the toilet there!
Eva looks like she has this potty thing down! Too cute! ^.^ I'm so impressed with how well this went for you, I hope that things go smoothly when we try with #2!
Very cool! This is one area that I really missed the ball on with my son. I thought EC was the kookiest thing ever, but now that I have an almost 2-year-old and I am trying to potty train, I wished I'd done this with him since I was home with him for almost 8 months. Looking forward to hearing more about EC and if anyone has any potty training tips, please send them my way!
Awesome! What a smart little girl!
I just ordered a baby bjorn potty for Lumi (got inspired by your EC success with Eva)! Me too going for it! But isn't hard to put her on the potty in the mid of the night while you two are half sleeping? looking forward to more posts :)
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