Dress #1 was made from this pattern:
I made it with Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Yarn on US Size 3 needles. I didn't crochet around the neckline and the crochet for the button loops is a bit sloppy, but it is still cute. I think I am going to try to make a bigger version in the same yarn (different color), using the bigger size measurements.
This dress was easier. I can't remember where I found the pattern. I'll add it in the post when I find it. I bought the yarn with Sarah at Dongdaemun.
Very nice! You have been busy :D
Wow! These are awesome! Glad you're picking up knitting again! :D
The patterns are pretty easy. I just needed to be told a few basics like how to use circular needles, etc. and I was able to do it. I am trying to get one more dress done in a bigger size.
I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all your comments on the posts I have made in the Expat Mums blog. I also really appreciated your welcome greeting for Kareem in Arabic. Most people go strangely silent about me being a Muslim -- mostly I think they are just not sure what to say -- and I really enjoyed your response!!! You know more Arabic than me. I haven't been good about studying it.
Sounds like you are getting eveything ready for your little girl. I guess she will be making her appearance any day now. The dresses are really cute! Best wishes for a wonderful labour!
Your welcome. I lived in Egypt and took a class so that is where the Arabic is from. Most people just know know much about Islam. You are not the only Muslim in the group, though. Wani (mother of Kirana) is Muslim. She is from Singapore and married to an Australian. She doesn't comment on the blog much, but hopefully you will meet her soon.
Wow! you made those?! You are soooo luck you are that talented! Great job and conrats!
I mean congrats! Sorry.
Just dropping by to say hello and tell you I am thinking of you as your due day approaches. Hope you are comfy and well. Big hugs!!
Thanks! Future Mama and Connie!
Baby post is coming up.
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