Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) held a nurse-in to introduce the Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2007. Ian and I drove in from Winchester (about 70 miles). We parked at Union Station and took the Metro (Ian's first time). When I lived in DC two years ago the one-way fare was $1.10, now it is $1.35! Mothers slinging babies (many from the local NINO chapters) gathered outside the Capitol South Metro stop and I joined them in walking to the Cannon House Office Building for the event. This was Ian's first political event with the exception of meeting Egypt's President Mubarak on the Nile Cruise.
Mothers (including me) were nursing everywhere. Midwives and Lactation Consultants were educating young Capitol Hill staffers. Everything appeared to be ready to go, but they discovered the sound was out right before so we couldn't hear the speakers. As a result, I don't know the names of all the speakers. What ever happened to sound check?

Unknown Speaker, Rep. Carolyn Maloney D-NY and Susan Kane, Editor of Baby Talk Magazine

Susan Kane holding up the infamous Babytalk Magazine cover with a nursling and a breast that sparked international media coverage and public outrage, though most of the feedback the magazine received was positive.

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